
Zimbabwe is embracing exceptional political and economic concerns, due to corruption in politics and poor leadership over the last three decades. The unemployment rate is at 95%, and those living in poverty remain at 72% of the population[1]. The overprinting of their currency has led to hyperinflation and a movement towards acceptance of other currencies in Zimbabwe[2]. Zimbabwe also has refugees from Congo, 300,000 stateless persons, and an internally displaced population[3]. Finally, let’s pray over the human trafficking crisis and drug trafficking situation in Zimbabwe. Let’s Pray…  

-Jesus, you see the areas which require renewal in Zimbabwe, and we ask for renewal in these areas. Lord Jesus, we pray for unity amongst the entire church, that they would reflect a community that serves each other. Let your bride be a bright light in their communities. Jesus, we pray for the provision of food, clothing, shelter, clean water, education, and clean sanitation facilities for the people of Zimbabwe. Thank you Jesus. 

-Father, we pray over the political systems in Zimbabwe and we pray for justice and righteousness to shine forth in this system. We pray for a leadership to reflect the personhood of Jesus Christ. Father, we pray over the economy and ask for favor. We ask for the development of numerous markets and for trade partners to flourish. We pray for a renewal of the currency system and wisdom for those leading the economy in Zimbabwe.  

-Lord Jesus, we pray for the men, women, and children who are bring trafficked in and through Zimbabwe. Lord Jesus, we pray that you would shatter every chain through your precious blood poured out for each child. Lord Jesus, we pray that you would heal the emotional and physical wounds of these individuals, while also healing any diseases the enemy has inflicted on these individuals. We pray for salvation for every victim and that they would seek out a personal relationship with you God where they seek to love you with all their heart, soul, and strength.* Let the plans of the enemy be turned on their head, and any pain that was inflicted on the innocent lead to restoration and glorification of God. We pray for the traffickers and ask for conviction of the Holy Spirit to lead them in repentance and salvation. Father, we pray that you would execute your plans for their lives as well. Amen.   

-Father, we pray for every refugee, stateless person, and IDP in Zimbabwe. Jesus we lift up every individual and we pray that they would know you and be connected to your church in Zimbabwe. We pray for your grace and favor over these communities. We pray that all their needs would be met, and that their homes and identities would be established in their new communities. Amen.   

-Finally, we pray for your angels to stand guard in the drug trafficking zones of Zimbabwe, and we ask that no drugs would be trafficked through this nation. We pray for the hands who transport these drugs to be convicted of the Holy Spirit of their sin, and for them to dispose of these drugs, repent of this lifestyle, and receive your grace and direction for their life.   

-Jesus, may Zimbabwe be your nation, and may Africa be your continent that glorifies you, our eternal king of glory. Continue to reveal yourself to the Muslims in Africa who do not know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We pray for the revelation knowledge that you Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, are a Trinitarian God and that you are the one, the only God, and the one and only way to receive eternal salvation and communion with our Father. Amen.

Image Credit: Tatenda Mapigoti

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed November 2014)

[2] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed November 2014)

[3] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed November 2014)

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Deuteronomy 6:5, (2011).