God’s creation in water

-Father, we thank you for water, and the life that you have designed to live within. God, we lift up the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Artic Oceans to you. Father, we pray for rest and peace for your oceans and for the life within. We pray a blessing over your oceans and that the life within would glorify their creator God. God we lift up the seas around the world including the Mediterranean, Caribbean, South China, Bering, Gulf of Mexico, Okhotsk, East China, Hudson Bay, Japan, Andaman, North, Red, and Baltic Sea. Father, we pray for an additional blessing on your life in the seas and we ask for the waters to teem with living creatures, and that they would be blessed amongst creation. 

-God, we lift up your plant kingdom in your oceans including phytoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, algae, seagrasses, and kelp beds. Father, we pray your blessings over your creation and we ask that your creation would continue to reflect the fingerprints of intelligent design, and that more and more people would come to know you through the study of your creation.

-Father, we lift up your marine animals including the animal groupings of the zooplankton, nekton, and benthos. Father, we pray for your creation of old to live in harmony in the depths of your oceans. God, we pray that you are teaching and prepping your creation for new days ahead when sin will no longer impact our world, our oceans, and our seas. God, we pray a blessing over your incredible creation and we ask for your creation to continually point back to their creator Yahweh. Thank you God. 


Image Credit: Claudia14