Viruses & Diseases

-God our refuge and fortress. It is in your name we trust and it is in your shadow that we rest in. We declare that only you God can protect us from viruses and diseases. Father, help your believers dwell in the shelter of the Most High. Help us to rest in the shadow of the Almighty. We pray for global healing over any believer in Christ impacted by any virus or disease. Jesus you were pierced for our transgressions and iniquities. Jesus, the punishment you bore for us has brought us peace. Jesus, we declare that by your wounds we are healed.

-God we lift up every individual globally that is impacted by a virus or disease. Jesus we pray your mercy over every individual, every family, and every community. We pray for miraculous healings globally and we ask that you Yeshua would receive all the glory, praise, and honor due your name. We pray for billions to see, experience, and embrace your healing touch and for billions to receive the precious blood of Jesus Christ for atonement of sins over themselves and their families.

-We pray for the global eradication of all viruses and diseases including Ebola, Dengue, Hantavirus, HIV, Influenza, Marbus, MERS, Rabies, Rotavirus, and all SARS viruses. We pray this in the mighty name of Yeshua. Amen.     

Image Credit: CDC