
Vietnam maintains one of the few communist regimes remaining in the world. Their economy maintains a young population, a commitment to sustainable growth, low inflation, stable currency, and a strong manufacturing sector[1]. Vietnam is a restricted nation for the gospel of Jesus Christ, where believers can be evicted from their homes and communities[2]. While Christianity is legal, officially recognized churches are expected to report their teachings and activities to the government[3]. Additionally, Vietnam is a source and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor[4]. Finally, Vietnam is home to a large population of stateless persons who are ethnically Chinese Cambodian[5]. Let’s Pray

-God, we thank you for the Vietnamese people in this nation and for the ethnic Vietnamese people spread throughout your earth. We pray for an overflowing of your gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control throughout this nation.* We pray for healing over this nation’s past scars. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would establish your presence within every sector of society. We pray for the government to come to know your saving grace Jesus. Help them to lead this country through your wisdom and your vision Holy Spirit. Jesus, we pray for millions of people in Vietnam to receive your blood as atonement for their sins. 

-Father, we pray for the authorities and police throughout Vietnam. We pray for a softening of their hearts so they may hear and experience your gospel of truth. Help them to hear your words and receive your salvation. Father, we pray for your hand of grace to cover and guide those who are persecuted. Father, we pray that your grace would be sufficient for them. Father, let your power be made perfect in their lives. Help your gospel continue to reach millions through the testimony of your martyrs. 

-Father, we lift up the human trafficking industry in Vietnam and ask for your grace over the victims. Father, we pray for the healing of their mind, body, and soul from their traumatic experiences. We pray for salvation over each individual in Vietnam. We pray for the human traffickers to be humbled by the grace and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Help them to repent and free the captive in their community.

-Father, we lift up the stateless population and the poor to you in Vietnam. Father, we pray for the provision of all their needs in Vietnam. We pray for healthy community where they can meet you Yeshua, our King and God. Amen.

-Father, we lift up the Spratly and Parcel Islands to you. We pray for peace amongst other nations who claim this territory as their own. We pray for all the life on and around the islands from vegetation to mammals to sea creatures. We pray a blessing over your creation on these islands, and pray that they would glorify their creator.    

-Finally, we pray against the illegal drug production and drug trafficking industry in Vietnam. We pray for your word to convict the guilty parties of their actions and lead them towards repentance. We pray for the drugs to be discarded and we ask for your healing and mercy to fall upon drug consumers. We pray that they would be granted healing from addictions through the power and blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. 


Image Credit: Minh Minh

[1] Cia World Factbook, (Date Accessed November 2020).

[2] Voice of the Martyrs, (Date Accessed November 2020).

[3] Voice of the Martyrs, (Date Accessed November 2020).

[4] Patt, Professor Martin, (Date Accessed November 2020).

[5] Cia World Factbook, (Date Accessed November 2020).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984).