Saint Martin/Sint Maarten

The northern portion of the island is under French overseas collectivity and is known as Saint Martin[1]. The southern half became an independent nation in 2010 within the Kingdom of Netherlands and is known as Sint Maarten[2]. This island centers around tourism in which 80-85% of the labor force engages in this sector, and about 1 million visitors come to the island every year[3]. Let’s pray for God’s presence to be released through the faith and salvation of those living on the island.        

-Father, we thank you for your presence here on the island. We thank you for those who know you God as Yahweh, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit. God, we pray for communities to be moved into the presence of the Holy Spirit. We pray for active gatherings of believers where your presence is manifest amongst them. Father, we pray that you God would pour out your spirit on all people on the island, that their sons and daughters would prophecy, that their old men would dream dreams, and their young men would see visions.* Let your grace lead to the salvation of many on the island.

-Yeshua, we lift up the tourists who visit this island. Father, we pray for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit on them and that you would release your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.** Father, we pray that tourists would become refreshed from the presence of the Holy Spirit and come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ from your leaders on this island. 

-Father, we pray for protection for the poor on the island. We pray for a protection of their human rights and that you Father would provide for all their needs including food, water, clothing, shelter, and healthy community rooted in you Yeshua. Thank you Jesus.     

Image Credit: Ramon Kagie

[1] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed January 2013).  

[2] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed January 2013).  

[3] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed January 2013).  

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Joel 2:28, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984).