
The economy in Peru is centered upon its metal and mineral resources, accounting for about 60% of the nation’s exports[1]. With a slight increase in resource prices globally, the country has been able to increase revenue and reduce the poverty rate in recent years to 26% of the population[2]. One major prayer request is that Peru serves as a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation[3]. Finally, Peru is the second largest producer of the Coca leaf, producing 225 metric tons of potential pure cocaine[4]. We pray for...

-The drug production in Peru to end through the blood of Jesus! We proclaim your name Yeshua & ask for you Holy Spirit to be poured out upon that nation, and for Peruvians to cleanse themselves and seek holiness! Help them turn from their ways and seek you with all their heart, all their soul, and all their strength Jesus!*

-Each Christian church in Peru to be governed by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and that all authority within Churches would align themselves with the Word of God. Let these leaders be wise in your scriptures, and let them lead out of a personal relationship with you God where they seek to love you with all their heart, all their soul, and all their strength.* 

-The gospel to continue to spread amongst the native people. Jesus, Let your good news be spoken in ways that are culturally relevant and that connects to how you have designed these people groups. Let these people groups be filled with your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.**   

-God to secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy. We pray for those who are poor in the eyes of this world to be rich in faith and inherit the kingdom that you God promised to those who love you.*** Father, we pray for a redistribution of the wealth to provide for the poor in this nation. Thank you God.  

-Political stability and economic progress within Peru. We pray that the politicians would place their hope in you Jehovah-Jireh, and that you would provide for your people in Peru just as you provided for Abraham. 

-Improved sanitation access and drinking water, thank you Jesus! 

-A release for the trafficked victims in Peru. We pray that you would set free the oppressed in this nation. We pray your mercy and protection over the rural regions of the Amazon, and for your angels to stand guard against the guilty who seek to recruit women. We press forward in your grace and ask for mental, emotional, and physical healing over the captives through the blood of your son Yeshua. We ask that the captive would hear your word and accept your saving grace Jesus. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would convict the guilty of their sins and lead them to repentance, salvation, and the plans you have for them. Amen.       

Image Credit: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

[1] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed January 2013).  

[2] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed January 2013).  

[3] Patt, Professor Martin, (Date Accessed January 2015).  

[4] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed January 2013).  

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Deuteronomy 6:5, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984).

***Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Psalm 140:12, (2011).