
Mozambique remains a Christian nation with a large Muslim population. Praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit as the church has been blessed with religious freedom since 1990 enabling a wonderful growth. About half of the population lives in poverty while about a fifth of the population remain unemployed[1]. This nation is a source and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation[2]. Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to lead sinners back to the loving arms of God, while leading freedom to the oppressed and broken-hearted. 

-God, we thank you for the salvation available to all creation. We pray that the greatest gift in the world would continue to be received by your Mozambicans, and that you would renew the plans you have for each journey. 

-We lift up the government and pray that these appointed officials would lead through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Let them lead through the agenda of El-Elyon, our most high God. As the government leaders turn towards you Yahweh, we pray for a blessing over the economy to be released.*   

-We lift up the Islamic population and those without Christ in Mozambique. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would convict this world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness, and judgment.** Lead this nation towards repentance and salvation in Jesus name, Amen.   

-The victims of human trafficking in Mozambique. God, we pray for angelic protection over each victim and potential victim in this nation. We pray that the fear of the Lord would rest upon these victims, and that your blood Yeshua would shatter their bondage and release freedom. We pray for emotional, mental, and physical healing over the captives. We ask for conviction to fall upon the guilty, and we pray your grace would lead them to repentance, salvation, and restoration. 

-We pray over the ports of Mozambique, and ask that you would not allow the trafficking of humans or drugs to be transported through these docks. Let conviction followed by repentance come upon the guilty, that they would turn from immorality and turn to the things that are holy. Amen. 


Image Credit: Rohan Reddy

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed August 2014).

[2] Patt, Professor Martin (Date Accessed January 2015).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of John 16:8, (2011).