
A round of applause to the Moroccan national football team for their impressive performance at the 2022 World Cup Tournament. Morocco is a large territory that spans across the northwest coast of Africa. While this nation is almost entirely Muslim, there is a small Christian population estimated at 4000 believers[1].  Islam is the official religion of Morocco. Christian converts will likely be persecuted for their faith or the sharing of their faith with others. This nation is also a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation[2]. Let’s press forth the will of the Holy Spirit upon Morocco that men and women may find salvation and freedom this day. Let’s Pray… 

-God, we lift up this nation and every Moroccan living here. Jesus, we pray your redeeming blood would be poured out upon these people and on the nation of Morocco. Let your mercy soften any hard hearts so they may be open to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let your good news fall on good soil that your future saints would hear, respond, and receive salvation through the repentance of their sin and acceptance of Jesus as their Savior.   

-We lift up the younger generation and pray that their identity would be separated from the things of this world, and that you Jesus would establish their identity in you. We break the generational sins of the families of this generation and pray for you Holy Spirit to set these youth on fire and bring a movement of spiritual awakening to Morocco. 

-God, we lift up the victims of human trafficking in Morocco. We pray for angelic assignments over each victim or potential victim in Morocco. Jesus, we pray that you would free those held in bondage through the sins of mankind. We pray for emotional, mental, and physical healing over the captives. We ask for conviction to fall upon the guilty, and we pray your grace would lead them to repentance, salvation, and restoration. 

-God we lift up the drug production in Morocco and pray for conviction by the Holy Spirit to come upon those guilty of this evil. Let their sins be exposed and press them towards repentance through the sacrificial blood of your son Jesus.     

Image Credit: kollynlund

[1] The Voice of the Martyrs. “Global report on where Christians are persecuted today.” Bartlesville: 2017.   

[2] Patt, Professor Martin (Date Accessed January 2015).