
In an economy that generates $1.3 trillion, it is appalling that the poverty rate in Mexico is at 52%[1]. Mexico is also a major producer for illegal drugs, while also serving as a transshipment point from South America to the United States[2]. Pray for...

-God to secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy throughout Mexico.*

-Mexicans from both indigenous and mestizo backgrounds to find their ultimate identity and destiny in the love of Christ and that they would live out the plans you have for them.

-The state of Chiapas in Mexico where the gospel is restricted by traditionalist Catholics[3]. We pray for God’s hand of protection over His ministries in Chiapas, and that the traditionalist believers would seek out God with all their heart, all their soul, & all their strength.**

-The growth of the evangelical church in Mexico, and that the gospel would reach all people groups in Mexico and for each Christian to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ where they seek to love you with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind.***

-Those involved in the drugs industry in Mexico. Lord Jesus, pour out your spirit on them that they might see their sins and respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit. That they would repent of their sins and call upon the name of Jesus for grace and salvation. Father, we pray for your angels to control the borders of Mexico keeping out any illegal drugs-thank you Jesus!   

Image Credit: Spencer Watson

[1] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed July 2012).

[2] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed July 2012).

[3] The Voice of the Martyrs. “Global report on where Christians are persecuted today.” Bartlesville: 2017.   

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Psalm 140:12, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Deuteronomy 6:5, (2011).

***Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Mark 12:30, (2011).