
Israel remains a nation formed under the eternal covenant that God made with his servant Abram/Abraham {Gen 12, 15}. This is the most precious land in all the earth (Rev 21-22) with eternal implications. The current Israelite land continues to reduce in size do to “peace treaties” with the Palestinian community under the pressure of larger nations. This land is a mere fraction of the original land promised to Abraham (Genesis 15:18). In regards to the Jewish population, God loves this nation because of His covenant with Abram. Yet Jews still need a Savior for redemption from their sins. John 14:6 teaches us that Jesus is the only path towards the Father. The free gift of salvation is found only in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.  The West Bank & Gaza Strip are former Israelite territories and remain incredibly hostile territories. In 2021, an outbreak of violence was exchanged between Israel and the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip from May 10th-21st[1]. The violence resulted in the death of about 256 Palestinians and 13 Israelis[2]. In regards to Christians in Israel, they are discriminated against while Christians in Gaza are often coerced to convert to Islam[3]. Pray for an infilling of the Holy Spirit to radically convict, heal, and transform the leaders over the Gaza Strip. Other prayer requests include the income inequality amongst Israelites and the poverty rates being high (22%)[4]. Israel is also serving as a home to refugees from Eritrea. Additionally, Israel is a destination country for men and women trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation[5]. (11/11/23) On October 7th, 2023, Israel was attacked by the militant group Hamas, and fighting has continued since. Let’s Pray…

-(11/11/23) God we lift up the nation of Israel, the Palestinian people group, and every person caught in this conflict. Lord Jesus, we pray for peace and safety for all. Lord Jesus, may each person submit to you as God, Savior, and King. Jesus, we pray for the protection of every civilian. We pray for the release of hostages to their homes. Lord Jesus, we pray for those who know you to dwell in the shelter of the Most High. That they will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.*

-God, we lift up Israel and pray for salvation to fall over the land. Let the name Yeshua HaMashiach be recognized as Lord and Savior in every person living in Israel. We pray for the salvation of Muslims in this Israeli region and that they would find peace with the Israelites.  Open their eyes to our God Yahweh. Draw them in and lead them to repentance in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach. 

-God, we pray for support from the nations towards the nation of Israel. We pray for peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. We pray for hearts to be convicted of sin, and that they would turn from their ways and receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ.   

-We pray for an overflowing of your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control over the land of Israel.  We pray that you God would pour out your spirit on all people in Israel, that their sons and daughters would prophecy, that their old men would dream dreams, and their young men would see visions.**

-We specifically lift up the Palestinian community in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and throughout Israel. God, may your Word of life be proclaimed in their communities so that salvation may be received by the Palestinians. We pray that you God would pour out your spirit on all the Palestinians, that their sons and daughters would prophecy, that their old men would dream dreams, and their young men would see visions.*** Let the blood of the son Jesus Christ deliver this population from their sins and towards holiness. 

-Yeshua, we pray that you would end human trafficking in Israel. We pray for an angelic presence over the borders of this nation guiding the incoming victims towards a safe home and safe community. We pray for salvation to come to the oppressed and poor. We pray for healing and restoration over those held captive. We ask for conviction to fall upon the guilty, and we pray your grace would lead them to repentance, salvation, and restoration. 
-God, we pray over the income inequality in Israel. Father, we pray for a more balanced distribution of the wealth and that the poor in Israel would be provided sufficient shelter, clothing, water, food, and education. 

-God we pray against drugs being trafficked into the country. We pray for your angels to be stationed at the borders and cut off the enemy’s weapons to plague your people. Let those guilty of producing these drugs repent in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray for minds to be healed and released from the bondage of addiction.  Amen. 

Image Credit: walkerssk

[1] Wikipedia, (Date Accessed January 2021).

[2] Wikipedia, (Date Accessed January 2021).

[3] The Voice of the Martyrs. “Global report on where Christians are persecuted today.” Bartlesville: 2017.   

[4] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed November 2014).

[5] Patt, Professor Martin, (Date Accessed January 2015).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Psalm 91:1, (2011)

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984); Joel 2:28 (2011).

***Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Joel 2:28, (2011).