
After centuries of being ruled by various nations, Estonia was able to turn a page with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since the last Russian troops left in 1994, Estonia has been free to promote economic and political ties with the west[1]. The economy maintains strong electronic and telecommunication sectors[2]. Estonia is also home to a large population of Russian speaking stateless persons following the nation’s independence of 1991, which also sets up tension between Russia and Estonia over the way ethnic Russians are treated in Estonia[3]. In regards to the church, the entire body needs the living water of the Holy Spirit to flow vibrantly through this nation. Estonia is also a source nation for women trafficked for the purposes of forced prostitution, while men are trafficked within the country for the purposes of forced labor and illegal criminal activity[4]. Let’s Pray…

-God, we thank you for the work of your hand throughout all your creation in Estonia. Jesus, we pray for your churches and Christians to seek to know you as the Father knows you. Help your body fall passionately in love with their Savior Yeshua HaMashiach. We pray that your believers would seek to love you God with all their heart, all their soul, and all their strength.* 

-God, we pray for your evangelical efforts within Estonia. We lift up various ministries to you, and pray for the work of their hands to be anointed by you. God, help your people do everything through You, the one who gives us strength.** Help them bring unity to your Estonian Christians and strength to their evangelical efforts. May your gospel unfold 100 fold in this nation through your leaders. 

-We also pray for the ethnic Russians that remain stateless persons. We pray that the nation can love this people group and fully encompass them into every facet of society.

-God, we pray over the economy in Estonia. We pray for a continual blessing over the electronic and telecommunication sectors and that their trade partnerships with Finland, Sweden, Germany, and Russia would remain strong. We pray for wisdom in addressing the labor shortage and wisdom in moving forward startup businesses and e-commerce. 

-Father, we pray against the drug production and drug trafficking industries taking place within Estonia. Father, may your Holy Spirit bring conviction and repentance to the guilty, that they may turn from their ways into your arms, and your grace. We pray for the drugs to be destroyed in Jesus name.

-Yeshua, we pray that you would shut down the human trafficking business in Estonia. We pray for salvation to come to the oppressed and poor. We pray for healing, restoration, and freedom over those held captive and for the Estonian women transported to various countries. We ask for conviction to fall upon the guilty, and we pray your grace would lead them to repentance, salvation, and restoration. We pray that the victims would have the opportunity to be reunited with their families or that you would create new communities for them centered in Christ. We also pray for the men who are trafficked within Estonia. Father, we pray for freedom for the men forced into labor and illegal activity. God, we pray that your presence would go with them and convict their guilty captors while also setting free the victims. We pray for healing and restoration over the captives. Thank you Jesus! 

 -Father, we pray a blessing over Estonia. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen. 

Image Credit: Gleb Makarov

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed May 2015).

[2] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed May 2015).

[3] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed May 2015).

[4] Patt, Professor Martin (Date Accessed January 2015).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Deuteronomy 6:5, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Philippians 4:13, (2011).