
Let’s praise God that the body of Christ is embracing exceptional unity in the nation of Ecuador. Ecuador has undergone a population transition, with over 120,000 Colombians seeking refuge in Ecuador[1]. Let’s pray for a new home for their families, & that God would meet them where they are. Finally, Ecuador is a source, transit, & destination country for men, women, and children trafficked towards the industry of forced labor and sexual exploitation[2]. We can destroy this industry in Ecuador through fasting & prayer. Will you stand alongside God’s creation in Ecuador to free them from the evils of mankind? Father, we pray for...

-The Colombians seeking refuge in Ecuador. Father, we pray for safe dwelling places to be granted to the Colombians. Help them to transition to a new way of living and to be accepted in Ecuador. We pray that your Ecuadorian Christians would support and minister to your Colombians. Use them to bring many Colombians into an intimate relationship with Christ where they love you Jesus with all their heart, all their soul, all their strength, and all their mind!*  

-An end to the human trafficking industry in Ecuador. Jesus, we pray for freedom for every captive in your mighty name. Holy Spirit, rush over that land and bring conviction to the hearts of everyone involved in this poisonous industry. Bring repentance & salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

-Continual cooperation amongst the churches in Ecuador & for the body of Christ to maximize the work of the Holy Spirit through unity. 

-Father, we pray for an equipping of every Christian in Ecuador with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, for their feet to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, for their shield of faith, their helmet of salvation, and their sword of the spirit-the word of God. Finally, let these believers pray in the Holy Spirit on all occasions.** Father, we pray that the church would receive divine guidance and wisdom in presenting the gospel in applicable & refreshing ways to all generations and people groups.

-Improved drinking water and sanitation access for the rural population. 

-The government in Ecuador to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God & King Jesus Christ.*** Continue to give the government the eyes of Christ for all the poor and needy, and give them the heart and wisdom to make necessary changes to take care of your poor God. 

-The 37,000 individuals living with HIV/Aids, & that each individual could give this burden to you. Jesus our healer, we pray for complete healing through your might and perfect name. Amen.


Image Credit: Jaime Serrano

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed October 2012). 

[2] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed October 2012).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Mark 12:30, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Ephesians 6:14-18, (2011).

***Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Micah 6:8, (2011).