
The greatest need for this nation is salvation through the name of Jesus Christ.  There is a false doctrine amongst the people through Islam, and we must pray for the Word of God to become authoritative in this country if we want to see a spiritual and economic revival. 60% of the country is unemployed and another 23% is below the poverty line[1]. 6% (49,700) of this nation is Christian and they are doing significant Holy Spirit led work in Djibouti. This nation is also a source, transit, and destination country for women and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and domestic servitude[2]. While Christians do have religious freedom in Djibouti, sharing their faith in Christ is discouraged[3]. Citizens who express interest in Christianity face the risk of persecution from family and friends[4]. Muslims who convert to Christianity are generally isolated, beaten, and sometimes killed for abandoning Islam[5]. Holy Spirit, please make a way. God, we pray for…

-Those who don’t know you Jesus. Father in Heaven, let your mercy fall upon the nation of Djibouti, that every soul would be saved through the acceptance of the son Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. We pray that you God would pour out your spirit on all people in Djibouti. That their sons and daughters would prophecy, that their old men would dream dreams, and their young men would see visions, and that salvation would come to each household in this nation.* Father, we pray that you would prepare hearts and minds to receive your salvation at any cost. We pray for hearts to fully turn from their sins, and fully turn towards you Yeshua. Thank you God.      

-The poor, unemployed, diseased, and homeless in Djibouti. Father, we pray that you would secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy in Djibouti.** Let your supernatural provisions be provided for your people in this area.   

-The gifts of the Holy Spirit to be received by your Christians in Djibouti. Let your gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, tongues, and the interpretation of tongues fall upon your followers Jesus.*** We pray for angelic assignments to be disbursed for every Christian for the purposes of spiritual protection.     

-A release for the trafficked victims in Djibouti. We pray that you God would set free the oppressed in this nation. We lift up Djibouti City and ask for an increase in your angelic presence to protect the vulnerable from traffickers. We pray for increased angelic assignments at the Ethiopian-Djibouti trucking corridor and ask for protection over the vulnerable. We ask for divine wisdom for the economic migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia to help keep them safe. We press forward in your grace and ask for mental, emotional, and physical healing over the captives through the blood of your son Yeshua. We ask that the captive would hear your word and accept your saving grace Jesus. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would convict the guilty of their sins and lead them to repentance, salvation, and the plans you have for them.       

-Improved drinking water access and sanitation facilities. 

-Your ministries in Djibouti. Let your Christians be filled with and release your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control within their ministries. Help your Christians to stand firm and be equipped with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, for their feet to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, for their shield of faith, their helmet of salvation, and their sword of the spirit-the word of God. Finally, let these believers pray in the Holy Spirit on all occasions.****  

Image Credit: CIA World Factbook

[1] CIA World Factbook, (Date Accessed July 2013). 

[2] Patt, Professor Martin, (Date Accessed January 2015).  

[3] The Voice of the Martyrs. “Global report on where Christians are persecuted today.” Bartlesville: 2017.   

[4] The Voice of the Martyrs. “Global report on where Christians are persecuted today.” Bartlesville: 2017.   

[5] The Voice of the Martyrs. “Global report on where Christians are persecuted today.” Bartlesville: 2017.   

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Joel 2:28, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Psalm 140:12, (2011).

***Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 (2011).

****Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984); Ephesians 6:14-18, (2011).