

While this nation continues to use its full name of Czech Republic, it added the shortened form version Czechia in 2016. Czechia maintains one of the largest GDP growth rates and lowest unemployment rates in the EU[1]. One major prayer request is over the trafficking situation in this nation. This nation is also a destination country for men trafficked for the purposes of labor exploitation[2]. Let’s Pray… 

-God, we thank you for this nation and how you are raising up Godly women and men in this nation. We thank you for your pursuit of each Czech that does not know you. God we pray for the equipping of your servants in Czechia, and for your grace and love to continue to lead your gospel message. We pray for this nation to be covered in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Help this nation to know you God and to seek you out with all their heart, soul, and strength.* 

-Father, we pray over the economy in the Czechia and ask for your Godly direction over the government leaders who guide the budget development and disbursement of finances. We pray your blessing over the future labor force needs, along with the educational, pension, and health care needs of this nation. Let your wisdom Holy Spirit lead their decision making over this nation. Thank you. 

-God, we ask for angelic assignments to be placed over each trafficking victim or potential victim in the Czechia. Yeshua, we pray for your divine protection over each individual. God, we ask for a release for these victims in the Czechia. We pray that you would set free the oppressed in this nation. We press forward in your grace and ask for mental, emotional, and physical healing over the captives through the blood of your son Yeshua. We ask that the captive would hear your word and accept your saving grace Jesus. Help the victims enter into healing and life breathing communities. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would convict the guilty of their sins and lead them to repentance, salvation, and the plans you have for them.       

-Father, we pray against the drug production, consumption, and trafficking taking place in and through this nation. We pray for conviction to fall upon those who produce and transport drugs to turn from their ways in repentance through Christ. We pray for drug users to embrace the help of Christ in seeking freedom from drugs and addictions. Amen. 

Image Credit: CIA World Factbook

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed May 2015).

[2] Patt, Professor Martin (Date Accessed January 2015).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Deuteronomy 6:5, (2011).