
The nation of Brunei consists of 2 pieces of territory bordering Malaysia to the southern region of the South China Sea. The economy maintains one of the highest per capita GDP’s in the world[1].  The economy is established within crude oil and natural gas production, accounting for 65% of the GDP and more than 95% of its exports[2]. In regards to faith backgrounds, about 79% of the population is Muslim, with 9% identifying with Christianity, and another 8% identifying with Buddhism[3]. In the nation of Brunei, the faith of Christianity is under persecution. Bibles are illegal, no new church buildings may be built, and evangelizing to a Muslim can have significant consequences[4]. Finally, Brunei is a destination country for men and women trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation[5]. Let’s Pray

-God, we lift up the people of Brunei to you. We pray for your grace to open their hearts to the truth of Jesus Christ, and for their hearts to receive your blood as atonement for their lives. God, let your people place you like a seal over their heart, like a seal on their arm, for your love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.* Let your love burn like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame in the lives of your children. Help them to be bold in the face of persecution. Let your angels go before them and behind them as they serve your kingdom Lord Jesus. We pray for protection over every Christian and church in Brunei, and we ask for each individual to have access to a bible in their language.   

-Father, we lift up the government to you. Jesus, we pray that you would reveal yourself to the family that leads this nation. Father, we pray for the scales to fall from their eyes and for them to encounter you Jesus. Let their way of legislating the country radically change. We ask for freedom for the Christian church in Brunei. We pray that the chains that hold back the Christian church to be removed, and for an explosion of evangelism to take place in this nation. We pray for Muslims to love Christians and for Christians to love their Muslim and Buddhist neighbors. We pray that you God would pour out your spirit on all people, that their sons and daughters would prophecy, that their old men would dream dreams, and their young men would see visions, and that they would embrace the salvation found in you Yeshua!** 

-God, we lift up all the stateless persons living in Brunei and we pray for a clear route to citizenship. We pray for all their needs to be met and for each individual and household to know you as Lord and Savior.  

-Father, we lift up the human trafficking crisis to you. We pray for protection over migrant workers as they arrive in the country. We ask for conviction to fall on those guilty of trafficking humans and for them to either repent or for judgment to fall upon them. We pray for freedom for the captives and for emotional and physical healing upon their minds and bodies. We pray that they too would know the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Image Credit: The NuNa

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed October 2020).

[2] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed October 2020).

[3] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed October 2020).

[4] The Voice of the Martyrs (Date Accessed October 2020).

[5] Patt, Professor Martin (Date Accessed October 2020).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Song of Songs 8:6, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Joel 2:28, (2011).