Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina.jpg

Bosnia & Herzegovina borders the nations of Croatia and Serbia, which contributes to 45% of the ethnic demographic. The nation is still recovering from the interethnic warfare that took place from 1992-1995 when production drastically declined and unemployment soared[1]. There remain a large number of internally displaced individuals and families in this nation due to the war. Currently, around 20% of the population is unemployed while 17% live below the poverty line[2]. Finally, Bosnia & Herzegovina is a source country for women and girls trafficked within the nation and to other nations in Western Europe for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation[3]. Let’s Pray…

-Jesus, thank you for the grace you have for your people in this nation. Father, we pray for Christians to know your face and to seek your heart with all their heart, soul, and strength.* 

-God, we pray over the wounds of war and interethnic conflict. Yeshua, we pray for your grace and healing to touch the lives of the entire nation, and we pray for unity led by the movement of fellowship through the blood of Jesus Christ. 

-Jesus, we lift up the government leaders in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would be empowered to lead the governmental leadership system and navigate this nation towards your will. We pray for a revival in the church. May your Christian leaders rise in faith, and fulfill the calling you have laid upon them. As this nation seeks to place their trust in you, Yeshua HaMashiach, we pray for a dynamic and competitive private sector for the economy. We also pray for administrative reform, admission into the World Trade Organization, and we pray a successful admission into the EU. Thank you God. 

-God, we lift up the Islamic population in this nation. Father, we pray that they would come to know and embrace the saving grace of Yeshua HaMashiach. Let your blood lead repentance within this nation. Jesus, we pray that they would receive your blood as atonement for their sins and for an outpouring of your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to fill them from head to toe.**           

-Yeshua, we pray that you would shut down the human trafficking rings in Bosnia & Herzegovina. We pray for salvation to come to the oppressed and poor. We pray for healing, restoration, and freedom over those held captive and those transported to various countries. We ask for conviction to fall upon the guilty, and we pray your grace would lead them to repentance, salvation, and restoration. We pray that the victims would have the opportunity to be reunited with their families or that you would create new communities for them centered in Christ. 

-Father, we pray against the drug trafficking that takes place in this nation. We pray for the borders to be closed off to the transport of drugs. Let repentance be proclaimed by those involved, and we pray for your mercy over drug consumers. Father, we pray for the bondage of drugs to be broken in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Amen.

Image Credit: Miguel Alcântara

[1] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed April 2015).

[2] CIA World Factbook (Date Accessed April 2015).

[3] Patt, Professor Martin (Date Accessed January 2015).

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Deuteronomy 6:5, (2011).

**Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Galatians 5:22-23, (1984).