
Let’s continue to press forth the agenda of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people of Bermuda. God, we pray for…

-The Holy Spirit to invade Bermuda, and for personal relationships to be developed between the citizens and God where they can seek to love you with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind.* 

-You to move in the midst of challenges and violence. We pray that you Holy Spirit would take challenges and turn it into triumphs for the kingdom of God.

-Christians in Bermuda to get more spiritually & financially involved in your plans overseas and live out the great commission in whatever way you have called them to. 

-Anyone who has need in Bermuda. Father we pray for the provision of food, water, employment, shelter, education, resources, clothing, and all other needs be met for the people of Bermuda. We pray a blessing over the economy and we pray that your Holy Spirit would continue to move in powerful ways in this nation.

Image Credit: Reilly Durfy

*Scripture quotations are based upon text obtained from New International Version of Mark 12:30, (2011).