
Belize shares their western border with Guatemala. While Belize has a large population of Christians, there are many foreign religions which are also growing in this nation. We pray for...

-Belizeans to receive a deep understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for all to come to receive your blood as a sacrifice for their sins. 

-Radical transformation to take place within congregations of Belize through the power of the Holy Spirit.

-God’s Christians in Belize to abide in Christ, and that Christ himself would abide in them, so they may bare much fruit for your kingdom.

-Unity in the body of Christ throughout your churches in Belize. 

-Ministries to bare great fruit in the local, less populace, and indigenous communities.

-The ports of Belize to be covered in the Holy Spirit, and that no drugs would enter or be transported through this nation. Refine these individuals towards holiness. In Jesus name we pray! 

Image Credit: Mark Olsen