
This southern continent has no indigenous inhabitants but has both permanent and summer only staffed research stations[1]. There is also an abundance of animals found in Antarctica. Let’s bless this incredible continent!      

-Father, we thank you for Antarctica and the peace of your creation flowing throughout the entire land. God, we lift up the researchers and ask for Christ centered fellowship upon Antarctica. Help them to come together and worship your name Yahweh in spirit and truth. God, help them to continue to discover more about you through the study of your creation in Antarctica. Let all those who come to study on this continent give praise, honor, and glory to our God and creator. 

-God, we lift up your creation including the penguins, whales, seals, krill, wandering albatross, snow petrel, giant petrel, Antarctic skua, blue eyed shag, cape pigeon, snowy sheathbill, artic tern, and the Antarctic land invertebrates. Father, we lift up your creation and thank you for them. We pray a blessing over your creation. God, help the researchers to understand the Godly designs of each animal and invertebrate on the continent. Father, we pray that your creation would bring glory to you. Amen.       

Image Credit: Tam Warner Minton

[1] Cia World Factbook, (Date Accessed December 2020).